Deaf Emergency Contact Options

BSL 999 - Contact 999 in British Sign Language

You can use this service in 2 ways:
  1. Website to call BSL 999
  2. Download the 999 BSL app then Follow BSL 999 instructions (in BSL and English)

Emergency SMS

You must register each phone with emergency SMS before it can be used.

Text-Relay via BT Relay UK (formerly TypeTalk)

Using a textphone or BT's 'Relay UK' app dial 18000 and follow the 999 Using text-relay assistant instructions

NHS 111 - British Sign Language Service

You can contact NHS 111 in BSL in 2 ways:

  1. Using the NHS 111 BSL website (with webcam on your computer)
  2. Download and use NHS 111 (and other services) with the Sign Video app

page last modified Saturday, 08-Mar-2025 19:41:35 GMT


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